Kosher food
There are no Kosher supermarkets or restaurants in Hoboken.
You can find many Kosher products in Shoprite, Kings, Basics and other grocery stores.
The closest Kosher store is in Union City next door to the Shul (3400 New York Ave)
Closest restaurants with suitable Hashgacha can be found in Elizabeth, Passaic, Manahattan or Teaneck.
We offer Friday night and Shabbat morning services times can be found here
During the week, the closest Shul is at 3400 New York Ave, Union City. They offer several times of minyanim throughout the day
Check: for details or call Mr. Askel: (201) 206-5114.
Closest no frills Men and Womens mikvaos are in Union City. for a complete list of Mikvaos in close proximity