The Hoboken
Women's Mikvah

Our Sages teach us that building a mikvah is more important than erecting a synagogue. The mikvah ensures the continuity of purity for generations to come.

Finally, after 23 years of Chabad presence in town, Hoboken will have its own women’s Mikvah. This project has been years in process but we are excited to now complete the project with your support!

Building a mikvah is a complicated, expensive project. It involves a team of professionals, hundreds of hours of supervision by Rabbinical experts, and exact attention to myriad details. The combination of architectural marvel, Rabbinical expertise and lavish extravagance are truly a tribute to the power of the Jewish woman, who brings holiness into her home by using the mikvah.

The kosher mikvah contains about 250 gallons of pure rainwater, along with a comprehensive filtration system. In addition to adhering to the technical laws, the mikvah is beautiful, sanitary, inviting and offers a friendly positive experience.

Phase One
Study and Purchase
We purchased a ground floor apartment with the intention of building a Mikvah there. There were many setbacks, and challenges, but after numerous meetings and tests with engineers, architects, and community members, the actual Mikvah planning finally took off in April of 2022.
Phase Two
Design and Approvals
In April of 2022, along with architects and designers, we began to map out our dream of a spa-like Mikvah. At the same time, we worked with the city to receive zoning and initial building approvals. In the summer of 2023, work finally began in earnest to break ground, and in January of 24, the helical piles or foundations were set into place, and final construction plans were then approved.
In Progress
Construction and Dedication
In April of 2024, we launched our building campaign to build this once in a lifetime, integral space. Simultaneously, we started construction of the space, and we look forward to support from the community and beyond so that we can expedite this project that will affect generations to come in Hudson County and beyond.
Wall of Donors

Thank you to our generous supporters

Total Budget $ 
Pledges to Date $ 

Partner with Us for impactful collaboration

Dedication Opportunities

  • Mikvah Name $250,000
  • Immersion Pool  RESERVED
  • Mikvah Room $100,000
  • Prep Room Bridal  REserved
  • Preparation Room $72,000
  • Mikvah Well (Otzar)
  • Reservoir (Zeriya)
  • Reservoir 
  • Lobby $36,000
  • Dedication Wall $25,000
  • Entrance Mezuzah $20,000
  • Washing Station $18,000
  • Laundry Room $15,000
  • Security System $10,000


  • Builders of Purity $54,000
  • Benefactors of Purity $36,000
  • Sponsors of Purity $25,000
  • Pillars of Purity $18,000


  • Mikvah Foundation $5,400
  • Mikvah Paver $2,500
  • Mikvah Builder $3,600
  • Mikvah Brick $1,800
  • Mikvah Tile $1,000
  • Other
Your selected dedication amount: $
All Pledges may be paid up over 3 years